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同心喜迎二十大 | 用青春拥抱时代,以奋斗迎接未来

发布时间:2022-10-08 16:16:02









Dear teachers and students, good morning. The topic of our speech is Embrace the Era with Our Youth and Welcome the Future with Our Efforts.


On October 16th, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be held in Beijing. From my perspective, it is neither something far away, nor a proper noun which only exists in news reports. Instead, it has strong connections with the development of the regions that we live in, and the daily life of us all.


This congress with great significance is to become an important time node and the symbol of this era. It is a milestone meeting held at an important moment when our Party is building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and marching toward the second centenary goal. It will be a glorious page in the history of our Party, and a significant event on our road of realizing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, which is important to all of us.


The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will guide Nansha, the beautiful place where the river meets the sea, to develop and improve by reform and innovation. Nansha has achieved dozens of important development outcomes. From the fully autonomous vehicles developed by Pony.ai being seen more often on the roads, to a large number of well-known companies and universities like CAS SPACE and HKUST joining in, these achievements have all proved that Nansha can no longer be recognized as the suburb of the city, but now a highly developed region in this era. Nansha, the hope of country development, is marching forward. This shall be the best gift for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. And all of us, students in Guangzhou Foreign Language School, are also part of Nansha, which means that we are supposed to get ahead in this huge trend of development, to embrace and feel this great time with our efforts and contributions. Although we are still at school, we are able to take part in national affairs and catch up with the country’s development. For example, our politics teacher organized us to offer advice and suggestions to the congress online last term. In addition, it is also a good way to make our voice heard by attending Model United Nations conferences. What’s more, we can also learn the theories and policies of our party by discussing in groups and turn them into our action with extra curriculum activities. In short, we should follow the steps of our Party and cultivate our Chinese perspective to view the wide world.


My dear friends, in the past years and decades, our predecessors have created achievements that were nearly impossible at that time. They brought China into a brand-new era by finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Today, we are to embrace this new age by inheriting the spirit and career of our predecessors and writing down our own stories with diligence and perseverance. Every era has its own type of temperament. And the spiritual outlook of our era in the history will depend on us, the youth. Let’s take history as a mirror, and march ahead with strong will and great determination. We, the young generation of the age, promise to live up to our youth, and the expectations of the new era. The five shining stars, the pride of being Chinese and the faith in our Party have become our strength and belief. With beautiful sunshine in youth, and the new wind of the times that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has brought us, students in Guangzhou Foreign Language School will strive to run faster on the track of the new era, work hard, and face the challenges bravely with a new look.


Carrying the vast blue sky and fly to the Sea in the south. We will set our cloud-like sail to cross the sea which raves. On the occasion of the coming 73rd birthday of our motherland, we, along with our country, will surely walk on the great path which leads to rejuvenation assiduously and confidently.


Thank you for listening.














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